Acupuncture therapy is considered to be one of the most popular methods of healing the body. It is considered to be a spiritual method of healing the body. The Best Acupuncture Treatments come from doctors who help put the patient in a receptive frame of mind, communicating in a way that the patient can understand while looking at the physical symptoms and then digging deeper to understand the cause of the issue.
Benefits of Acupuncture Therapy:-
- Drug-Free Healing: Acupuncture therapy does not use any kind of drugs in order to heal the body. It is a drug-free approach of curbing health related problems. The drugs may contain harmful chemicals which may cause additional damage to the body.
- Provides Energy: Acupuncture therapy is known to be extremely instrumental in providing energy and strength to the patient.
- After the therapy is over, the patient feels re-energized and accumulates strength.
- Builds Immunity: Acupuncture therapy is believed to develop and boost immunity into the patient. The patient will be less susceptible to diseases if acupuncture therapy is done on a regular basis.
- Improves Blood Circulation: Acupuncture therapy is also known to improve the blood flow in the body. Due to this, the person will be able to live a much healthier life and be away from harmful conditions.
- Fights Harmful Diseases at a Quick Pace: Acupuncture therapy claims to heal various dangerous diseases after a few sessions.
How did acupuncture become popular in the USA?
James Reston, who worked for the New York Times had his appendix removed (appendectomy) during a visit to China in 1971. After surgery he experienced some discomfort and was treated for this with acupuncture. He was surprised to find that the acupuncture treatment helped his discomfort tremendously. He subsequently wrote an article that year titled “Now, About My Operation in Peking”. Many believe this article triggered intense interest in acupuncture in the USA.
Reston wrote that the acupuncturist “inserted three long, thin needles into the outer part of my right elbow and below my knees and manipulated them…That sent ripples of pain racing through my limbs and, at least, had the effect of diverting my attention from the distress in my stomach. Meanwhile, Doctor Li lit two pieces of an herb called ai, which looked like the burning stumps of a broken cheap cigar, and held them close to my abdomen while occasionally twirling the needles into action. All of this took about 20 minutes, during which I remembered thinking that it was rather a complicated way to get rid of gas… but there was a noticeable relaxation of the pressure and distension within an hour and no recurrence of the problem thereafter.”
How to Find the Right Acupuncturist?
Choosing an Acupuncturist can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve never had acupuncture before. It’s important to ask some questions before you book an appointment for an acupuncture treatment to make sure you’re getting the right practitioner for your particular needs.
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